
Alternative Splicing and Heart Disease- Titin as an Example
Date:2018-12-14     View:

Time: 21 December 2013, 10:00-11:00 am.
Place: DongKe No.2 Meeting Room(239)
Reporter:Wei Guo
Details of Reporter:
Wei Guo:Ph.D. China Agricultural University; Assistant professor, Animal Science, University of Wyoming; Honorary fellow, Animal Science, University of Wisconsin Madison; Editorial Board Member, the International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Molecular Biology.

Research interests:
Formal training is in Molecular and Cellular Biology. Focused on signaling mechanism of skeletal muscle growth and fat deposition, alternative splicing mechanism of myofibril protein Titin, signaling mechanism of cardiac muscle regeneration using cutting-edge techniques such as next generation sequencing and high resolution mass spectrometry (MS)-based system biology approach, RNA binding motif 20 (RBM20) in striated muscle growth, development, regeneration and diseases, and further on the application of exon-skipping treatment in muscle growth and diseases.

Wei Guo, Jonathan M. Pleitner, Kurt W. Saupe and Marion L. Greaser. 2013. Pathophysiological defects and transcriptional profiling in the Rbm20-/- rat model. PLOS ONE. (Accepted).
Li S, Guo W, Dewey CN, Greaser ML. 2013. Rbm20 regulates titin alternative splicing as a splicing repressor. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(4): 2659-2672. PMID: 23307558 (Over 5% Featured By Editorial)
Wei Guo, Schafer S, Greaser ML, Radke MH, Liss M, Govindarajan Gotthardt M et al. 2012. RBM20, a gene for hereditary cardiomyopathy, regulates titin splicing. Nat. Med. 18: 766-773. PMID: 22466703 (Article received an Editorial in Nat. Med. (18: 660-661) and Dis. Model. Mech. (5:287).)
S.J. Li, Wei Guo, B. Schmitt, M. L. Greaser. 2012. Comprehensive Analysis of Titin Protein Isoform and Alternative Splicing in Normal and Mutant Rats. J Cell Biochem. 113(4): 1265-1273. PMID: 2210583
Qiuyue Liu, Jin Zhang, Wei Guo, Yiqiang Zhao, Xiaoxiang Hu and Ning Li. 2012. Identifying lipid metabolism genes in pig liver after clenbuterol administration. Frontiers in Bioscience.E4: 2605-2612. PMID: 22652664

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